UN4UkranianCities UNECE


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Ukrainian Urban Planning Cadaster: Procedures for establishment, changes and conflict resolution around the administrative boundaries

This workshop focuses on the topic of high priority for Ukrainian Government and is related to establishment of the Urban Planning Cadastre and coordination of reconstruction efforts in Ukraine.

Over the past 10 years, Ukraine went through some major reforms in land governance and administrative-territorial structure. First, in 2013, the new unified electronic State Land Cadastre was established consolidating efforts and infrastructure for land governance. At the same time, the state and communal land was delineated signifying the role of administrative boundaries of the settlements. In 2015-2020 Ukraine has implemented an administrative reform reducing the number of rayons (districts) and creating (amalgamated) territorial communities inside rayons and transferring state agricultural land outside the settlements to such communities. However, the process of demarcation and registration of the administrative boundaries is very slow and has negative implications for managing land resources, establishing of the address registry, urban planning, launching the reconstruction, etc. This workshop looks at the international experience for potential solutions.

Urban Planning Cadaster, Project Event